Cheetah Mounts APTMM2B Flat Screen TV Wall Mount Bracket

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  Cheetah Mounts APTMM2B Flat Screen TV Wall Mount Bracket for 32-65-Inch Plasma LED LCD TV

Cheetah Mounts APTMM2B Flat Screen TV Wall Mount Bracket for 32-65-Inch Plasma LED LCD TV

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Have you tried hanging your Television on the wall yet? There are some fantastic wall mounts available,small swivel TV wall mounts for the bedroom or plain static wall mounts for the larger 52" plasma televisions for the living room. By taking advanTAGe of a wall mount you will probably encounter the usual problem that so many families have. What to do with all that extra space? The only real solution to this is to buy another piece of furniture to compensate for it, which could end up costing you far more than you budgeted for.This is why the plasma TV stand is so popular, not only does it compliMent the plasma TV so well it also acts as another piece of modern furniture which compliMents the rest of the room.

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Off course you could decide to buy the classic wooden TV Cabinet.The TV cabinet could literally be a stand alone piece of furniture especially if the rest of the room has the classic look. The modern interior design seems to be more fashionable these days which is why black TV stands and glass TV stands seem to sell so well as they can generally fit in with most modern styles. The other big advanTAGe with the modern tv stands compared to the classic wood cabinet styles is obviously the price, they are definitely a lot cheaper.Whatever interior design you have in your living room, you will find a suitable TV stand to match it.

When shopping for a TV stand at furniture stores, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices available. To help you narrow down your choices, there are some important aspects you should consider when buying. To choose a TV stand according to your style and decoration tastes, you should select a stand that will fit your color and style preference.

Quality is definitely an important factor to consider. Most online furniture stores offer high quality TV stands but if you want real choice you are better off visiting a specialist plasma Tv stand online store .Weight capacity is also an important concern. Make sure that the TV stands you choose can support the weight of your television over a long period of time.

Plasma TV Stands - The Cabinet Or the Wall Mount, Which One Shall I Buy?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

So you've saved up your money and now going to buy a flat screen TV. Perhaps you have settled on a Lcd or Plasma.

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

I hope you didn't spend all of your money on the TV because there a few things you may want to budget for if you are not particularly handy around the house.

Where are you going to install your Flat Screen?

If you are going to mount your TV on the wall there is something very important for you to consider

Do you have a TV outlet installed at the height you want your TV? Even if you said yes ...I am sorry it will not be enough. Allow me to explain.

Can you picture where your existing TV is set up? Maybe it's in an entertainMent center. Now close your eyesand see all of those wires that connect between your Television & your satellite box, DVD player and receiver.

Why do I bring this up?

If you hang your TV on the wall with a standard TV jack installed there-

What about all of those wires that we just talked about? How do you plan on connecting all of those wires that are needed to work all of your electronic equipMent?

I told you that no one thinks about this.

Unfortunately, with a single cable TV jack over the Fireplace ... your ONLY option is to stack your:

· Satellite receiver

· Cable TV box

· Surround sound receiver

· DVD player

All on top of your beautiful Fireplace!

Or have a bunch of ugly wiresdraped all over the place serving as a serious tripping hazard

Can you imagine moving into a beautiful new home and seeing all of those pieces of equipMent balancing on your mantel?

You would be surprised how many new homes are built this way. They install just a simple TV jack over the Fireplace. The homebuilders are totally clueless. Unfortunately, its up to you, the homeowner to foot the bill to wire this correctly.

So what can we do about it?

If you want the best signal possible, Then HDMI cables are the way to go. One HDMI cable run through the walls will do the work of all of those other wires we spoke of moMents ago. To have this professionally done I would budget from $ 395-$ 595 for HDMI cables, depending on how long they need to be.

You canprobably save two hundred Dollars if you do this yourself.

Remember that buying the flat screen TV is just the beginning of your investment to have HD TV in your home.

The Biggest Oversight When Hanging Your Flat Screen TV On The Wall

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

With stars in their eyes the masses are flowing into electronic super stores looking at big beautiful flat screen plasma televisions. They get a little sticker shock at the price, but are still dazzled by the beautiful picture and can't wait to get this monster home into their living room. The cool thing to do is to mount it to the wall, but they haven't really thought about how they would do it. They don't care, they just have to have it.

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Sound familiar? Perhaps you're one of the people who've done that. I have. I love going to electronic stores like Best Buy and Circuit City to see row after row of incredible high definition flat screen TVs just sparkling like a diamond ring. I can't wait to get ahold of one, to see it shine in myhome theater and have crystal clear picture for all my friends and family to enjoy.

But wait! How in the world do you get that thing up on the wall? What if I'd rather put it on a desktop entertainMent center? Those TVs are so thin you'd have to lean it against the wall, not good.

Fortunately the electronic industry has a supportive side business that sell plasma tv stands and wall mounting brackets. They even have people you can hire to do it for you. If you're concerned about the possibility of lifting that expensive TV on the wall and accidentally dropping it off to poorly secured bracket I would suggest hiring it done. The cost ranges from $ 50 to $ 350 and you can sometimes get that thrown in as part of thedeal, depending on how desperate your salesman is to make that sale.

I recently discovered they also make table top plasma tv stands that have a built in bracket to secure the TV. Think about it. Without the bracket there's no way for that super thin TV to set on a table. Fortunately they do make the stands with brackets included. Just be sure to get the one that matches the size of the TV you bought.

Are You Scared to Mount a Plasma TV to Your Wall?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

It's easy to be instantly drawn to a plasma TV screen, especially one that is displaying full Hdtv programming. The visual beauty is amazing. And plasma TVs tend to be among the lower-cost thin screen technologies that are available today. But there are a few problems inherent to the design and you should at least be aware of them before making a buying decision.

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

The first is that plasma TVs use inert gases that are illuminated to display colors on the screen. The way that this is accomplished makes for very high contrast, vivid images on the screen, but it also can be affected by high altitudes. If you live above 6.000-7.000 feet above sea level, you should know that plasma TVs have to work much harder to produce the same image thanthey would at lower altitudes. This may not cause an immediate problem, but over time the monitor wears out much Faster due to the extra work load. So if you happen to live in high altitudes, just bear this in mind when buying a plasma TV.

The second problem that plasma TVs can exhibit is a susceptibility to screen burn-in. This happens whenever any static image stays on the screen for a very long time and is still faintly visible even when the image changes. It is said to have been "burned-in" to the screen, and can be very irritating to see a ghost patterns still visible as you Watch TV. The easy way to avoid this problem with older plasma screens is to make sure that you don't leave the TV on when you are not Watching it, andespecially when pausing a video game for a very long time. Thankfully though, newer plasma screen TVs have technology built in to adDress this problem that subtly shifts the image to surrounding pixels as you Watch and essentially keeps the image moving although your eye does not detect it.

The third plasma TV problem that we will discuss is the heat it generates as it runs. Plasma screens often causes so much heat inside the unit that manufacturers usually install a fan to cool it down while operating. This actually works very well, but on some models the fan makes noise that the can become an annoyance. So listen for this problem carefully before you buy.

The Top 3 Problems With Plasma TVs

Thursday, May 31, 2012

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

Over the past decade home entertainMent technology has really taken some huge leaps forward. Today, the task of buying a new TV is not just a matter of picking your favourite brand or buying the largest size you can afford. There seem to be more options than ever, and this has certainly led to a lot of confusion among consumers. With that in mind, what exactly are the main differences between the different types of TV, and which is the best?

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

Plasma TVs are one of the older types of flat screen. They are relatively cheap to produce meaning that prices are generally low for the screen size, which led to plasma becoming a popular choice with consumers who wanted to get the largest screen for their money. These TVs use gas, which thenturns into plasma when an electronic current is passed through it; the plasma then emits the light to create the pictures. This results in a high quality, realistic picture that doesn't suffer from motion blur. It also offers a particularly wide viewing angle.

However, plasma screens do tend to only have a lifespan of about 10-15 years and do use a relatively high amount of energy, which is now is frowned upon as many consumers are trying to become more environMentally friendly. Plasma screens are also quite thick, and are very heavy for their size, so they can be awkward to move. The screen is also fAirly susceptible to glare, especially in bright rooms.

Lcd TVs can trace their roots back to Computer monitors and were first introduced at aroundthe same time as plasma TVs. These TVs use the same basic technology as your pocket calculator screen and are backlit with fluorescent light. They have a much longer lifespan than plasma screens, something in the region of 30 + years, and also use much less power. Traditionally Lcd prices were higher than plasma, but as new manufacturing techniques have evolved the prices are now falling rapidly.

While Lcd TVs are available in a wide range of sizes, they do offer the worst performance of all the flat screens though, not only do they have the lowest contrast level but they also have a slow refresh rate meaning that motion blur often occurs. The viewing angle is also much narrower than that of plasma TVs, which means that it can be difficult to find alocation that offers a good view for everyone, especially in smaller rooms.

LED TVs are actually the next generation of LCD screens, as they are based on a similar technology but use LED backlighting effect instead of the fluorescent backlighting effect found in traditional LCD screens. The new backlighting effect technology means that they are able to deliver a much more dynamic picture quality, they also use significantly less power than even the most efficient LCD TVs. LED screens can be made to be extremely thin, so they offer consumers the ability to place the TV practically anywhere-indeed it is now commonplace to see TVs Fastened to the wall in order to save floor space.

As this is still a relatively new developMent, LED screens do tend to be more expensive than their LCDcounterparts. However as LED TVs become more widespread the cost of production is expected to drop significantly, which will be reflected through dramatically lower prices in-store. Having said that, LED technology is considered to be the most reliable of all the flat screen formats I know many people don't mind paying a little bit more.

The world of home entertainment can certainly be a confusing place, especially as new advances in technology seem to come along on an almost monthly basis. Hopefully this article has shed some light on the current generation of flat screen TVs, so at least you can stand a fighting chance the next time you venture into the home entertainment section of the electronics store.

What is the Difference Between Plasma TV, LCD TV and LED TV?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

Thinking of buying an LED TV, well ....Stop! Before you spend with an excess of $ 1500, you need to cut through the jargon and hype to truly understand the technology that you're actually spending your hard earned money on. TV manufacturers and the media are very good at convincing us that the latest products incorporate the most cutting edge technology and are a must have. Lets get real here, to the average consumer most of this jargon is just down right confusing.

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

A new range of LED TVs that have hit the market with a big buzz. Samsung have crept through the backdoor and have released the 7000 series range boasting LED technology.

That's great ... but what is this LED technology thats being boasted?

Current LED TVs-The Truth The term' LED ' stands for Light Emitting Diode and as you may well know LEDs are used in many of our devices, however at present in terms of the current line of LED TVs, the actual LEDs are used for the backlight of the TV ONLY and not the TV display themselves. If you consider that current TV technology uses CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorecent Lamps), there is no doubt that an LED backlight is a more efficient form of backlight.

However, the important point here is that the LED television's display is actually Lcd (Liquid Crystal Display), it is the backlight only that is made up of LEDs. So there are two major technologies at use here; For the Lcd and LED display for the backlight. In essence a more advanced form of LCD TV.

When you compare thistechnology to a true LED TVdisplay. Displays such as OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) will self illuminated, utilizing thin layer of an internal LED for its display only.

The fact that The ' LED TV' term has been used to describe a type of LCD TV is a cunning move on Samsungs part, but genius in terms of marketing, since it capitalises on the current buzz in the TV market of true LED display TVs such as Sony's XEL-1 OLED TV.

LCD TVs with LED Backlights – The ImproveMents Now that we've established that this is LCD TV with an LED backlight, lets look at how this new range of TV improves on current TV technology such as plasma and LCD standard in 3 key areas:

1. PictureQuality Quite simply, the picture quality has been improved over standard LCD and Plasma, because the range of colours have increased. The utilization of Light Emitting Diodes as a light source instead of traditional lamps provides a higher contrast ratio because the LED produces blacker blacks and whiter whites, this is the key to achieving quality images on screen.

2. EnvironMent LED Technology consumes less power than current backlight TV technology, making a saving on your energy bills.

3. Slimmer Models. Since no provision for a conventional light source is required, LED TVs can be made ultra thin, this makes for a thin, sleek, more attractive model.

Decisions, Decisions If you are in themarket for a TV now and want to picture quality in advance of current standard LCD and Plasma ranges on the market, then you cannot go far wrong with an LED TV.

However, if you are in no hurray to purchase a television at this present time and require a TV with technology that will keep it at the forefront of cutting edge, in terms of LED technology, OLED TV is the real deal. Laser TV is another option to explore.

Both are emerging technologies and require patience as they find their place in the market with the correct size screens for your home. These TVs may also require you to dig a little deeper into your bank balance.

LED TV-Don't Be Fooled, Understand the Technology First

Thursday, March 29, 2012

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

In the last 10 years, a multitude of new flat-screen TV technology have been commercialised, all with excellent improveMents over past technology. The Fast advanceMent in technology has left a lot of us behind, as most of us don't hold degrees in electronics. So what are the key differences between these new TVs?

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

Plasma TV

These are the oldest of the new flat-screens. They came around at about the same time as Lcd TV, but they were much cheaper for their size, which is why they were more popular upon introduction. Plasma screens use a gas, which turns into a plasma when an electrical current is passed through them, emitting light.

Plasma TV pros:

-Cheaper compared with other flat-screensfor the same size.

-Generally better, more realistic colour than Lcd TVs.

-Deeper blacks and higher contract ratio than Lcd TVs.

-Do not suffer from motion blur. Plasma screens have Fast refresh rates, so moving objects appear less blurred.

-Wider viewing angle than LCD TVs.

Cons: Plasma

-Less lifespan than other flat-screens. Plasmas are predicted to last 10-15 years, whereas LCD TVs will last twice that or more.

- Plasma uses much more power to run.

-Do not come in all sizes (they do not come in small sizes, and only come in a few set sizes, e.g. 42 inch, 50 inch, 60 inch.).

-Usually a little thicker, and much heavier than the others.

-Is more susceptible to reflection glare in brightrooms.


LCD panels first came to existence in the form of Computer monitors. The technology itself has been around for many years. It is the same basic technology as the screen on a pocket calculator. LCD TV generally refers to a fluorescent backlit LCD TV. This is not to be confused with the newer LED TV, which is technically still an LCD TV with LED backlit technology corridor.


-Better lifespan than plasma screens. Predicted lifespan of 30 + years is possible.

-LCD screens use less power than plasma, but more than LED TV.

-Comes in many sizes, from Computer screens to 60 + inch displays.

-Lighter than a plasma, hence easier to mount on the wall.

-While prices for LCD TVS have been higher than plasma, it is falling quickly with increased production.


-Worst panel in terms of performance: lowest contrast level and slow (motion blur possible).

-Narrower viewing angle, with slight colour shifting possible for any particular viewer.


LED TV is actually technically, but LCD backlit with LEDs rather than fluorescent light source/s. This technology is the next generation in LCD screens.

Differences between LED-backlit LCD technology and current:

LED-backlit produces much greater dynamic contrast owing to its direct backlighting effect.

-LED TVs can be made extremely thin, down to around an inchthick.

-LED TVs consume the least power out of all three screen types.

-LED TVs currently cost much more than LCD, but the prices are expected to fall dramatically as production increases.

LED TVs are considered to be the most reliable out of all current flat-screen systems.

I hope this makes your search for a suitable TV an easier experience!

LCD vs Plasma vs LED TVs-Differences Explained

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

If you are looking for a good place to put a flat screen TV, you might want to try putting one over the Fireplace. When you place a TV in this location, you can ensure that it will be in a highly visible location. At the same time, you will never need to worry about it taking up valuable wall space that you might want to use for other decorative items.

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Flat TV's and Optimal Viewing Angles

No matter where you put chAirs or couches in a room, it can be very easy to establish a direct line of sight for all potential viewers. This tends to occur more often when you have plenty of wall space, and then set the TV at eye level. On the other hand, when you place a Flat Screen TV over a Fireplace, you willmost often have to place it higher than usual. While you are arranging furniture in the rest of the room, you are sure to notice that it will be much easier to create an phenoMenal view from each location.

Safety and Damage Prevention

Even though your pets, children, and other household members may not intend to be destructive, one single thrown object can destroy a flat screen TV. In a similar way, if you decide to use the pets TV frame as a scratching post, you will find that the TV does not last for very long. Typically, placing a Flat Screen TV above the fireplace will remedy both problems. Among other things, children will not be inclined to throw balls or other objects in the direction of the fireplace. At the same time,your pets will also not be inclined to climb onto the fireplace just so that they can use the TV as a scratching post.

Attractive and Enticing

Many people today enjoy having electronic photo frames that will display all kinds of images. When you have a Flat Screen TV, you can easily use a wireless device to transmit images from a Computer. Without a question, if you have pictures of family members, or even stunning sunsets, they will look perfect when displayed on an enormous screen located above a fireplace. As may be expected, if you want to switch over to regular programming, or Watch a video, it will be just as easy to accomplish.

Put a Flat Screen TV Above the Fireplace

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

When most people think of a home cinema theater experience, the latest innovations in media players and flat screen televisions springs to mind. Far less obvious, but no less important is the role of living room space, seating positions, furniture and TV and equipMent mounting platforms. There are a number of options when it comes to Plasma and Lcd TV stands. We compare basic TV stands against more expensive TV cabinet furniture.

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Contemporary television mounts are delivered with clear designer lines that will enhance your living room decor, this makes them appear clean, sleek and modern. A good TV stand discretely hides tangled cables, provides adequate storage for accessories while heightening the visual impact of your Plasma or Lcd television screen.

There are two general types of television stands (with some variations): Simple TV stands and more elaborate entertainMent TV cabinets

TV Stands vs TV Cabinets

TV Stands

The simplest way to mount a large screen TV is a stand which is a small and usually inexpensive piece of furniture designed to support a bulky TV unit on top. A minimalist stand is a mount with no additional storage facility, but most stands provide some basic shelving to rest your media player and store cable boxes. TV stands are cheaper than cabinets, lighter and easier to move and take up less space.

TV Cabinets

Cabinets allow you to mount your big screen television - and sometimes even inside the general frame, but look like a normal furniture cabinet from the outside. With cabinets you generally get a nicer design the more money you spent. Cabinets can look nicer than a basic stand, and provide a lot more storage space compared to stand, however they are bulkier, less portable and more expensive.

Cabinet systems can also feature doors that close when you are not using your television. When selecting a TV cabinet, ensure it matches your homes interior design and of course that it can accommodate the size of your television unit and media players. If you play console video games, have a lot of equipment and need somewhere to store your DVDs, the right cabinet can be a godsend.


When choosing a mounting solution for your television, you can essentially go the simplistic route and look at Plasma or Lcd TV stands, or if you want tomore permanent solution that can accommodate a lot of equipment and other accessories while at the same time enhance the appeal of your living room space, shop around for an attractive looking TV cabinet.

There are other choices too, from corner stands, swivel pedestal stands and booths, wall mounts. Much more information on these and more can be found on our website.

Plasma and LCD TV Stands Vs Entertainment TV Cabinets

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do You Need Accessories For Your New TV?

Do You Need Accessories For Your New TV?

Now, you have settled on the type and model of the television you want but you still need TV accessories to make your viewing experience more pleasant. Accessories impart a completed look to a TV in a room, particularly when it is turned off.

Do I need a TV Cabinet?

The TV cabinet happens to be the best type of storage arrangeMent where you can safely keep your TV set and the accessories that accompany it. No cabinet can mean that wires and leads are very visible.  A TV cabinet is likely to do away with this disorder.

A cabinet is usually manufactured out of a hard wood like maple, teak, mahogany, oak etc. However, you need to be certain of the size and type of the TV you're buying, making allowance for the leads. And also think about future TV purchases as the cabinet may well outlast your TV.

Do I need a TV Stand?

TV stands are much more common primarily for cost and size reasons. Different types of TV stands are available in the market based on the different shapes and sizes of the television. Recently, the TV stands are manufactured out of different materials, which are further fancied by the assortMents of lamps and bulbs with in-built features. Some stands also have rubber bumpers which helps for a more low profile based steel body.

Are Wall Mounts for Lcd and Plasma TVs really useful?

With the popularity of Lcd and Plasma TVs, there is an increasing demand of the wall mounts. Wall mounts work really well for flat panel televisions. The wall mounts are a cheaper alternative to a TV stand and they have the ability to save space. They are often adjustable and may need no replacement if the viewer decides to purchase a new model.

Do You Need Accessories For Your New TV?

Do You Need Accessories For Your New TV?

Do You Need Accessories For Your New TV?